
The Masterclass offers six distinctive 2.5-day modules. Each module begins with an opening night featuring a lecture from a biotech entrepreneur. CEOs and founders of successful life sciences companies will share insights into their personal journeys towards entrepreneurship and leadership in the life sciences. They will highlight the instruments that contributed to their success and discuss the valuable lessons learned from their failures.

These experiences provide excellent do’s and don’ts for navigating the biobusiness landscape.

The Teachers

You’ll learn from over 40 seasoned life sciences entrepreneurs, experienced lecturers, and professional coaches. These experts are not just instructors — they are your gateway to a valuable and experienced biotech network. They will be available to answer your questions and offer guidance throughout your journey.

The Modules

The Masterclass consists of 6 modules. Each module consists of two full-day courses and two evening sessions. Business and personal growth challenges are discussed in small peer groups, supported by professional coaches. These coaches guide participants in discovering their strengths and weaknesses, providing tools to aid in their personal development process.

Module 1: Entrepreneurship and Business Plan

After an inspiring start, it’s up to the participants to present their business cases. Participants select the four or five most interesting business cases and groups are formed. Each group of three to four people works on one of the business cases during the BioBusiness Masterclass.


Date Starting time Program Lecturer
October 16
5.30 PM Guest lecture Wietse Mulder

October 17


09.00 AM Presentation business cases and forming of the teams


Kees Recourt and Chétien Herben

01.00 PM Business plan development Kees Recourt
08.00 PM Personal development in peer groups


Geerte Hesselmans, Hella Abma, Janneke van den Hoek, Anne-Claire van Altvorst


October 18
09.00 AM Teambuilding Els Molenaar
01.00 PM Communication patterns Els Molenaar

Module 2: Intellectual Property Rights,
Product Development, and Contracts

Well-protected findings are often a biotech company’s most valuable assets. Therefore, the second module gives insights into the European intellectual property system. Several IP experts, from industry leading legal firms, explain the basics of patents and licensing agreements. With this knowledge and support from the experts, the teams develop their intellectual property strategy to build or grow their business. A crash course on regulatory affairs and contractual strategies is also given in this second module.


Date Starting time Program Lecturer
November 20
5.30 PM Guest lecture To be announced
November 21
09.00 AM Intellectual property rights Bruno Vandermeulen
01.00 PM Patent enforcement To be announced
08.00 PM Personal development in peer groups Geerte Hesselmans, Hella Abma, Janneke van den Hoek, Anne-Claire van Altvorst
November 22
09.00 AM IP strategy and Licensing To be announced
01.00 PM Regulatory affairs and product development Jeroen Pieper


Module 3: Business Development, Communication,
and Personal Development

Experienced business developers take the participants along their routes to success. They explain what to do to close a successful deal and, even more important, what not to do. The guidance of these experts will help participants to further develop their own business development plan. 

There is hardly a single topic more fundamental to the business process than communication. Participants will therefore discover more about their communication preferences during this third module and they will learn how to use this knowledge to communicate effectively with different target groups.

Date Starting time Program Lecturer
January 29
5.30 PM Guest lecture Eliane Schutte
January 30
09.00 AM Know your customer To be announced
01.00 PM Communication and client access To be announced
08.00 PM Personal development in peer groups Geerte Hesselmans, Hella Abma, Janneke van den Hoek, Anne-Claire van Altvorst
January 31
09.00 AM Personal strengths Sandra Minnee
01.00 PM Flexible leadership Sandra Minnee

Module 4: Finance

In this module the participants learn all the essentials of financial accounting. This helps the entrepreneurs and managers (to be) to read, understand, and effectively use balances, P&L statements, and cash flow statements. Examples from well-known life sciences companies will be used.   

Then, one of the most essential questions for a biotech company will be asked: how to get financed? Several venture capitalists will explain their preferences and give elaborate feedback on the business cases. Their coaching is strict, but fair and is always highly valued by the participants. 

Date Starting time Program Lecturer
February 19
5.30 PM Guest lecture To be announced

February 20

09.00 AM Financial accounting To be announced
February 21

08.00 PM


09.00 AM

01.00 PM

Personal development in peer groups

Venture capital

Business plan coaching

Geerte Hesselmans, Hella Abma, Janneke van den Hoek, Anne-Claire van Altvorst


To be announced

To be announced

Module 5: Leadership and Market Access

The fifth module focuses on improving participants’ leadership capabilities. Different leadership styles fit different people and different companies best. The participants will find out what fits them and their innovative companies best.

As (future) leaders the participants guide their companies in the preparation for market success. Useful tools for market place analysis and marketing management are dealt with in this fifth module as well.  

Date Starting time Program Lecturer
March 5
05.30 PM Guest lecture To be announced
March 6

09.00 AM

08.00 PM


Market Access

Leadership in high performance teams

Personal development in peer groups




To be announced

Geerte Hesselmans, Hella Abma, Janneke van den Hoek, Anne-Claire van Altvorst

March 7
09.00 AM Preparation for market success To be announced


Module 6: Media Training and Business Plan Presentation

The last module is all about presenting the business cases. The entire module is focused on providing tools for the perfect presentation. Media experts train the participants in how to deal with the media and mock presentations are given. The finale of the Masterclass is the presentation of the business cases to a jury of experts. The most promising start-up with the best business plan receives the BioBusiness Masterclass Award.

Date Starting time Program Lecturer
April 30
05.30 PM Guest lecture To be announced
May 1

09.00 AM

08.00 PM

Media training: interview training and theatre sports

Personal development
in peer groups

To be announced

4 professional coaches

May 2 

09.00 AM Mock presentations business plans Anne Claire Altvorst, Chrétien Herben, Kees Recourt
01.00 PM Business plan presentation Jury of experts